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Seraphic Sphynx Crystals is a small business, your custom and support is gratefully received

MY favourites

Crystals for Interior Decor Styling Focal Point and the Perfect #Shelfie



These are the big girls, radiating their magnificent crystal energies and spectacular aesthetic for all to admire

Magnified Grass



Tumblestones, mini spheres, palm stones and dinky cubes. Perfect to carry with you wherever the path goes

Metaphysical Properties, Healing Crystals, Aid Self-Love, Anxiety, Depression, Sleep, Mental Health and Wellness

fair trade & supporting women

It's been a journey, and I have made some wonderful friends from around the world in my quest to source these beautiful crystals and minerals. I work tirelessly across multiple languages, to find and support, where possible, individual families of miners, stone workers and artisans at the source. This I do because, not only does it help the families, it supports their country's economy by keeping all work on the stones within  their locality.


I try to ensure that the crystals are mined and worked under ethical conditions and that the craftsmen work in a safe environment and receive fair payment. By sourcing from small family owned businesses when I can, it helps to keep the environmental impact low, as they do not mine vast quantities.

Where I have yet to build a relationship with a family for specific minerals, I choose to buy from mainly female sales workers, who from my orders gain a commission, as well as a friend. My little bit for #GirlPower.

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